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Answering Commonly Asked Questions About Funeral Services

Stewarton Memorials

As a chance to pay respects and honour a loved one, funerals have been important across cultures for centuries. If you’ve never attended a funeral service before, however, you may have a few questions. In this article, we’ll answer some of the most commonly asked questions about funeral services, allowing you to focus on saying goodbye.

What should I wear?

Traditionally, it is customary to wear black to a funeral. This clothing is typically formal, varying from full suits or trousers to dresses. It’s important to note, however, that the dress code typically depends on the funeral service and the wishes of both the deceased and the family. Some invitations will ask you to wear colourful clothing instead, so it’s usually best to wear what the family have asked for and something comfortable for you.

Do burial services and cremation services work differently?

Typically, you will either attend a cremation service or a burial service, depending on the wishes of the deceased and that of the deceased’s family. These two services do differ, usually following two different processes. Below, you can learn what will usually happen in each kind of service.

Burial Services

At a burial, the funeral procession will commonly arrive at the burial site. Here, the coffin will be carefully carried over to the grave itself. The service will then be led by the appointed person, allowing them time to say a few words. Afterwards, the coffin can be carefully lowered into the grave.

Cremation Services

In contrast to a burial service, a cremation service will typically take place indoors. The procession will arrive at the crematorium itself, where the coffin will be placed inside on a separate platform. Here, the guests will attend a service, celebrating the life and experiences of the deceased. After this is complete, the guests will be able to leave, allowing the body to be cremated.

What happens after the service?

After the main proceedings of the service have been completed, in some cases there is a wake. A wake is a type of reception, honouring the life of the deceased in a more informal setting. Often, these receptions will be catered, with food and drinks provided or available to purchase. The wake is typically an optional aspect of the funeral proceedings, meaning you don’t have to attend should you not feel comfortable.

Our Work at Stewarton Memorials

To mark a loved one’s final resting place, a headstone or similar memorial is typically needed. From grave monuments to custom headstones, we dedicate ourselves to helping our customers honour their loved ones with reliable and respectable memorials.


Please visit our website to learn more about our services at Stewarton Memorials. Here, you can also find plenty of additional and helpful blog posts. Alternatively, for further support and advice, please get in touch with our team directly.


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