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Funeral Etiquette: FAQs For Funeral Attendance Etiquette

Stewarton Memorials

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

When attending a funeral, you want to do everything you can to show the utmost respect to the bereaved and offer your support to those grieving.

It can be difficult to know exactly what to say or how to behave at a funeral, which is why we have created a FAQ funeral etiquette guide to help you through this difficult time.

Here are the most commonly asked questions about funerals, answered:

Who can attend a funeral?

A funeral service is an opportunity for friends, family members and acquaintances to pay their respects to the deceased. It is generally open to anyone who wishes to pay their respects unless it is a private service, in which case it is for family members and close friends only.

Can children attend a funeral?

It’s usually your decision whether you want to bring your child to the funeral unless otherwise stated by the bereaved’s family.

However, it is important to use your judgement here - if your child is not old enough or mature enough to understand or cope with the emotions that surround going to a funeral, then it is wise to not bring them.

They will have to see other family members grieving, which may be shocking for them, especially if they have not fully grasped the concept of death yet.

If you think they might disrupt the service or distract from the purpose of the funeral, it may be better to leave them with a babysitter or family member

What should you wear to a funeral?

The clothing you should wear to a funeral will depend on the culture and religion of the deceased.

In general, dressing conservatively in dark colours is the most appropriate attire. However, don’t worry too much about what to wear. Your attendance is far more important than what you wear.

Where should you sit at a funeral?

At a funeral, the first few rows are usually allocated to the immediate family. The remaining seats are free for everyone else, and you don’t need to pick a specific side.

What to say at a funeral?

It can be difficult to think of what to say to those grieving at a funeral. Here are a few suggestions to show your support:

● “I am so sorry for your loss”

● “You and your loved one are in my thoughts and prayers”

● “This is so sad to hear, I’m thinking of you and the family”

● “If you want to talk at any time, I’m here”

Stewarton Memorials Ltd: Funeral memorials

If you are looking to create a beautiful and memorable service for your loved one, at Stewarton Memorials Ltd, we can help.

We know how important it is to create a service that honours your loved one, which is why we offer beautiful bespoke gravestones and burial plaques.

Get in touch with a member of our compassionate team today for more information.

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