Celebrating the life of a loved one is an important part of grieving and remembering, however, it can be a challenging process. One way to honour your loved one is to lay flowers at their headstone, helping you to celebrate their life on various occasions throughout the year. In this article, you can get some ideas for the types of flowers you might like to honour your loved one with.
Placing Flowers
Before choosing flowers to pay your respects to your loved one, it’s important to clarify that you can bring flowers onsite. Some cemeteries may not allow you to bring flowers to a headstone, so, while this may be an unusual rule, it’s important to first check with the site authorities.
Romantic Occasions
The loss of a romantic loved one can be incredibly challenging, particularly on special occasions designed to celebrate love. If you’re celebrating an occasion with someone who has passed on, it can be a wonderful time to pay your respects by bringing flowers to their headstone. Appropriate flowers for a romantic occasion can include red and pink roses, however, choosing their favourite flowers can be a wonderful option too.
Should you wish to celebrate the birthday of a loved one after they have passed, flowers can be a beautiful way to mark the occasion. While there are no limits to the types of flowers you can choose to celebrate a birthday, using seasonal flowers that bloom during their birth month can be a personal touch. Alternatively, choosing bright flowers such as sunflowers and tulips can bring colour to their memorial or resting site.
Special Occasions for Parents
If you’re celebrating a special occasion for a loved one who has passed, it can be a good idea to set some flowers in their honour at their graveside. Choosing their favourite flowers could be best, but you can also opt for flowers with symbolic meanings, personalised to their character and likes.
Some popular symbolic meanings of flowers include:
● Pink carnations - motherly love
● Light red carnations - admiration
● Pink roses - gratitude and appreciation
● Blue hydrangeas - gratitude for understanding
● Sunflowers - joy and lasting happiness
● Pink hyacinth - playfulness and positivity
● White hyacinth - purity and loveliness
Our Headstone Services
To decorate your loved one’s headstone, you will need the perfect place to respectfully place your flowers. At Stewarton Memorials, we have a range of memorials and headstones, designed to bestow honour and respect to your loved one’s memorial or resting site.
From cremation headstones to memorial headstones, we have a wide range of options available to choose from at Stewarton Memorials. Our team can also assist with headstone restorations, a service that can include headstone cleaning and refreshing any lettering. Please visit our website to learn more about our products and services as a professional headstone company, or contact us directly for further advice and support.